South Ribble Youth Council accepted on to British Youth Council

South Ribble Youth Council accepted on to British Youth Council. We want to give young people a voice.

South Ribble is working hard behind the scenes in preparation for our brand new Youth Council to begin in September 2021 (if Covid restric- tions are eased).

Good News! South Ribble has recently been successful in becoming a member of the British Youth Council. The British Youth Council aims to empower young people aged 25 and under to influence and inform local decision making.

Cllr. Matthew Trafford who repre- sents Lostock Hall and is Lead Member for Youth and Mental Health said; ‘this is another exam-

ple of many great steps we have taken to incorporate young people into the democratic process. Joining the British Youth Council and estab- lishing our own youth council in South Ribble are important steps in ensuring that our young people have their voices heard’.

Please use the contact details at the end of the newspaper to get in touch.