NHS Thank you To Key Workers Everywhere!

Thank you To Key Workers Everywhere!

We want to say a massive thank you to all of the key workers everywhere! Cllr. Will Adams (Penwortham) is a Charge Nurse who works in the NHS. Will says; ‘Key workers are the glue that holds our communities together and I am so proud to be one of them’.

As well as working full-time as a nurse Will sits on the Planning Committee, Scrutiny Committee and will now take up a position on the board of Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Trust.

Will says; ‘We all take great pride in our NHS and I urge you to continue with that pride by supporting key workers who demand change. I am proud to be one of many NHS workers across South Ribble, who are proud to serve our communities. However, we need the support from our government to enable the provision of safe and efficient health care. We have to demand that government prioritises patients and staff to be able to deal with the challenges the NHS and our community face.’

‘Our NHS needs practical solutions to face those challenges. Scrap university fees and enhance student grants to end the staffing crisis, better wages and conditions for all those workers who are the foundations of our NHS and end the privatisation of services to ensure people always become before profit.’

Will is dedicated to the residents of South Ribble.