Leyland, Worden Hall

Work has started on Worden Hall in preparation for the opening in time for the Music Festival in June 2022. Hoardings have been placed around the building, and The Folly Coffee House and Deli have now moved to a temporary location in the courtyard. South Ribble’s Labour Council is investing in numerous neglected communityassets right across the borough. We want our communities to feel valued, listened to, and create spaces for residents to use at their leisure. After all they are your assets!

The project will see the whole building redeveloped for leisure, retail, community and business use. People will once again get married in the main hall and the new building extension signed off by Heritage England, will be clad with natural

wood and include a lift to improve accessibility to the whole building.

Over 600 residents contributed to the consultation on Worden Hall in 2019 ensuring the building would become an asset for local communities for years to come.

The Cabinet Member for Finance and Assets Cllr Matthew Tomlinson said in 2019: ‘We think it is only right to firstly get the views from a wide range of people as possible before we move on to taking any final decision on the potential uses of this building.’

We cannot wait to see this community asset open!