Leisure Centres Under Council Management

Leisure Centres Under Council Management

The administration at South Ribble has made the decision to take control of all of our leisure assets. This means staff will now be employed on the same terms

and conditions as other council employees, instead of those imposed by Serco.

More importantly the council will now be able to run the leisure centres in a way which better addresses the health issues we know exist in our borough.

As an added bonus council tax payers will no longer be sending money to Serco’s Head Office in management fees, but rather keeping this money here in South Ribble for further investment.

Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, Cllr. Mick Titherington said; ‘We will be reaching out and working with our communities as part of our ‘Leisure Local’ programme. Coming out of lockdown I hope our residents will see a real difference and be attracted to use our facilities’