Huge Play Area Refurbishments!

In 2020/21 we refurbished four play areas around South Ribble, including; Hurst Grange Park, Seven Stars, Leadale Green and Bellis Way.

In 2021/22 we have ambitions to complete further refurbishments on; Haig Avenue, The Holme, Mounsey Road, Moss Side Green, Bent Lane, Birch Avenue and Margaret Road.

Many of these play area refurbishments are supported by ‘Friends of the Parks Groups. The improvements are often led by the local community.

Most councillors in South Ribble have young children or grandchildren and we know how important it is for all young people to have fun in safe places to burn off their energy. We are excited to see further refurbishments over the next 12 months.

Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, Cllr. Mick Titherington said;

‘We will be reaching out and working with our communities as part of our ‘Leisure Local’ programme. Coming out of lockdown I hope our residents will see a real difference and

be attracted to use our facilities’