Equality, Diversity, Inclusion

We are serious about Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Cllr. Jacky Alty was proud to be offered the new Lead Member role for Social Justice.

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Jacky said ‘This is a broad all-encompassing title which will provide me with a platform for influence in local governance and the wider community.

‘Equality’ is often viewed under the spotlight of media campaigns or activism, and I will expose areas of obvious discrimination that devalue and dehumanise the intrinsic worth of our fellow citizens.

My concerns lay predominantly however, in the indirect discrimination and covert tolerance of practices that continue to promote pervasive burdens on members of our community, without the resources necessary to overcome those burdens.

Accessibility to services, a foundational quality of life and to act spontaneously without having to

calculate the physical, emotional, and mental cost of a simple everyday event is not something imme- diately attainable for all.

In certain situations, this disparity can be attributed to structural and systemic inequality which, with intent and action, can be reformed.’

‘I look forward to engaging with the cabinet and the wider council.’

If you would like to get in touch, please contact using email address provided on the back.

If you would like to know more please contact the lead member directly; [email protected]